Magic avocado sauce
My mom is looking to improve her diet, and since I'm home in Jersey right now I've appointed myself her personal chef. I'm coming up with fun new recipe ideas and we're eating like queens. All-around win! I even made a pasta sauce out of beets (the leftovers of a beet, kale, and pinto bean stew, actually—just thrown in the blender), and Mumsy kept saying she couldn't believe there weren't any tomatoes in it. (Power of suggestion, perhaps?) On this occasion, wanting to come up with something unusual to put on a simple dish of sautéed vegetables, I had the ingeeeenious idea to cut up a pair of avocados and blend them with veggie broth and some fresh herbs.OH.MY.GOSH.Easiest, tastiest sauce EVER. Ever, ever, ever.Here is the "recipe": using a blender or food processor, blend two avocados per one cup of broth, adding fresh herbs (basil? cilantro?) if you feel like it, and salt/pepper to taste. That's it!
In case you are wondering, the vegetable sauté consisted of sweet potatoes, kale, garlic, and chickpeas, with roasted Brussels sprouts on the side.
(This pic reminds me just how much I have to learn re food photography!) I've also tried the sauce on pasta (this nifty new kind, brown-rice quinoa fusilli from Trader Joe's), and it tastes great with nooch on top. Creamy, flavorful, easy peasy. I know avocados aren't cheap, but trust me, this sauce is totally worth the price of ingredients, and it'll go farther than you think! It also keeps for several days in the fridge too (and if the brown layer on top squicks you out, just skim it off).