The Backyard Tourist, part 3

(The Backyard Tourist, part 1; part 2.)Last weekend Kate and Elliot came up to visit, and we spent Saturday sightseeing with their friends Stephanie and Joe. First stop, Grasshopper for brunch! It's an Asian vegan restaurant in Allston, just a few doors down from FoMu. I'd been meaning to check it out for ages. P1120138 P1120144 P1120148 Most of us ordered juices too, which were actually smoothies, but still delicious. (You can order a smoothie with avocado in it!!)After brunch Stephanie drove us to Bunker Hill. (An entire year in Boston, and I hadn't been!)bunker hill P1120153 P1120167 P1120163 P1120162Then we spent a little while at the museum across the street:P1120170 By this time we were all feeling in need of a pick me up (the weather was foul, after all), so Stephanie suggested we head over to CuppaCoffee near North Station, her all-time favorite coffee shop. It's tiny and delightful and the friendly Aussie owner really knows his stuff! P1120175 Fortified by a French roast with almond milk and raw sugar, I moseyed over to the Revere House with the gang for another round of Revolutionary history. The building was lovingly restored a hundred years ago, and though you can only see four rooms, I found it well worth the $3.50 admission price. P1120180 I was geeking out, actually—my next novel is set in New England in the 1780s/90s, so this visit turned into an important piece of research for me. Kate had to come back into the house to retrieve me while the rest of our friends waited outside in the rain. (Sorry, guys!)(No photos allowed inside, by the way.) P1120183 On our way to dinner we stumbled upon the Holocaust memorial. (Did you know Boston had a Holocaust memorial? Me neither. And it's right down the street from the Writers' Room, too!) It was particularly moving to experience it as we did—at dusk in the pouring rain. P1120187 You all know how much I love my "little" sister, so you can just imagine how I felt when I read this panel: P1120186 On an infinitely happier note, we had a fabulous dinner at India Quality at Kenmore with Faith and Alex, who is headed off to the Peace Corps in Georgia in a few weeks' time. I'm so excited for him! 


How to Value Creative Work


Tips for Better Fiction, part 1