Books and Chocolate and Books

P1110517 I went to the Harvard Books warehouse sale yesterday, and it was MARVELOUS. I felt like I was browsing a half-sized version of the Strand, only without the grumpy sales staff. (Everyone there was really friendly and helpful, by the way. Good job, Harvard Books!) P1110512 P1110524 P1110515 

 P1110513 P1110529 P1110528 P1110526 P1110525 There were a few food vendors there as well. I finally tried Taza Chocolate (which is all vegan and made in Somerville!), and I can't even tell you how exquisite are the gingerbread and cinnamon chocolates. P1110520 P1110519 

(This post is especially for Jen, who would've been there and salivating along with me if she only lived closer.)* * *Update: SQUEE! 



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